Writing Diary Entries

Writing diary entries is important so that PyWeek remains a social event. It is intended that entrants learn from and support each other.

Writing Diaries

It is recommended to write at least one diary a day, including a screenshot of your progress.

This will be interesting to other PyWeek participants, but will also give you the chance, once the competition has ended, to look back and see how your game evolved over the course of a week.

Screenshots can be uploaded to the PyWeek website via the “Upload File” link on the Entry page.

Taking Screenshots

While you can take screenshots using a generic screen grab tool, it’s not always quick and easy - it can require switching focus away from your game.

You can take more and better screenshots if you set up a key - I suggest F12 - to save a new screenshot under a unique file name.

Fortunately doing this from Python code is pretty formulaic.


Pygame can directly save a surface as an image. The code to do this just needs to be dropped into your event handling.

import datetime
import pygame

def screenshot_path():
    """Get a path to save a screenshot into."""
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    return now.strftime('screenshot_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.%f.png')

# in your event loop
for event in pygame.event.get():

    if event.type == KEYDOWN:
        if event.key == K_F12:
            pygame.image.save(screen_surface, screenshot_path())


In OpenGL, you have to read back the colour buffer to an image and save that. As you generally don’t want the colour buffer’s alpha channel to be saved if it has one, there are a couple of OpenGL calls to force every pixel to be read as opaque. Pyglet can handle reading and saving the colour buffer though.

import datetime

from pyglet import gl
from pyglet.window import key

def screenshot_path():
    """Get a path to save a screenshot into."""
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    return now.strftime('screenshot_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.%f.png')


def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers):
    """This is your registered on_key_press handler.

    window is the pyglet.window.Window object to grab; here we
    assume this is a global.
    if symbol == key.F12:
        # disable transfer alpha channel
        gl.glPixelTransferf(gl.GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 1.0)

        image = pyglet.image.ColorBufferImage(
            0, 0,
            window.width, window.height

        # re-enable alpha channel transfer
        gl.glPixelTransferf(gl.GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 0.0)


For ModernGL the raw OpenGL calls are wrapped in an object-oriented API. You will need a library to convert the raw image data to a graphics file format. The buffer data will need to be vertically flipped.

Here is the code to do that using Pygame:

import datetime
import pygame.image
import pygame.transform

def screenshot(ctx: moderngl.Context):
    """Take a screenshot."""
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    filename = f'screenshot_{now:%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.%f}.png'

    # You can use this code to take a screenshot of any FBO but
    # the default framebuffer, ie. the screen, is ctx.screen.
    fbo = ctx.screen

    # Read RGB data back from the screen
    data = fbo.read(components=3)

    # Make an RGB Pygame Surface
    surf = pygame.image.fromstring(
        (fbo.width, fbo.height),

    # Vertically flip the image
    surf = pygame.transform.flip(surf, False, True)

    # Save Pygame surface to a file
    pygame.image.save(surf, filename)

And instead using Pillow:

import datetime
from PIL import Image

def screenshot(ctx: moderngl.Context):
    """Take a screenshot."""
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    filename = f'screenshot_{now:%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.%f}.png'

    # You can use this code to take a screenshot of any FBO but
    # the default framebuffer, ie. the screen, is ctx.screen.
    fbo = ctx.screen

    # Read RGB data back from the screen
    data = fbo.read(components=3)

    # Make an RGB PIL image
    img = Image.frombytes(
        (fbo.width, fbo.height),

    # Vertically flip the image
    image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)

    # Save Image to a file
    img.save(filename, format='png')